Photo from BushwickBK of 326 Melrose, used in here conjunction with a blog post commenting on a blog post at BushwickBK.
Over at BushwickBK, Jeremy has gotten himself into a “hep of poop” – sorry, “HEP OF POOP” – over the posting of this picture. Seems the broker, one Janet Corona of Flushing, did not appreciate the free advertising BBK’s blog posting was giving her project, even if the title of post described the building as “attractive”. Nor did she appreciate the fact that commentary on a building, or even on the listed broker’s complete inability to have a working web link, is not the same as poaching someone’s EXCLUSIVE listing. BBK would need to be a realtor to do that. Janet also did not appreciate the fact that taking a picture of a building is, in fact, legal; nor did she appreciate the fact that including an image of an artists rendering from a publicly available website as part of that commentary constitutes fair use.
As a result of Janet’s rants, Googling “326 Melrose Street” will not lead you to any information about Janet’s listing; instead, it will take you directly to the two BushwickBK posts in which Janet’s rants figure prominently (better still, the BushwickBK posts are also the first two hits if you Google “Janet Corona“). Also high up on the front page of 326 Melrose hits is a link to the Real Deal with the headline “Broker lashes out at blog“. Only at the bottom of the first page do you find any link to the project itself, and that is a link to Leecon Construction*, the design/build outfit for the project. You will not find on any page any links the real estate listing for this building. It must be very EXCLUSIVE, indeed.
(* Which, based on their website, seems to be a pretty decent firm. See, Janet, it pays to have a good web presence.)
5 responses to “Melrose Place”
i saw the comments on bushwickbk.
has anyone stopped and thought about the harm you guys are doing to this person without even knowing them over a stupid picture.
they should have just taken it should have never gone this far.
this could open an ugly can of worms!!!!
hey i love to gossip and my spelling sucks and i know many others who are in the same vote. what i can say there is a law that states that you can not post any pictures with out that persons consent. they can sue you. aren’t there better gossips out there to blog about. this one sucks.
stop making people popular out there that don’t mean anything.
“gossipbitch” actually IS Janet Corona.
gossipbitch and jennyp both posted from the same IP.
she’s been posting comments supportive of herself like that on all the blogs, like 10 seconds apart. just doesn’t get it…