Going Nowhere?
The latest go around for the Finger Building is tomorrow morning – yet another BSA hearing to decide the fate of the open space and thus the height of the building. If BSA buys the developers position, it will allow the building to more or less double in height (to about 200′).
The crux of the issue is the tenant open space. In order to go up to 16 stories and 200′, the developer is required to provide a certain amount of tenant open space. In this case, the developer claimed that open space would be located on neighboring buildings (the buildings from which he was acquiring air rights). The thing is (per NAG), “every related legal document (easements, etc.) expressly disallows the use of those rooftops”. Despite this, the Brooklyn DOB has signed off on the plans for a 16-story building, noting that the architect (Bob Scarano) and the developer (Mendel Brach) “believed” they could use the neighboring roofs for the required open space.
It is that decision by the DOB Commissioner that the community is appealing.
Once again – even though they did not have the required open space, the Brooklyn DOB Commissioner OK’d the project because he felt the developer and architect “believed” they had the required open space.
Faith-based permitting at its finest.
If you have faith in the system, stop on by:
Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA)
Tuesday, November 18th
10:00 AM
40 Rector St., 6th Floor: Hearing Room E
One response to “Yet Another Finger Building Hearing”
Out of curiousity, how did the hearing go?