When I sat down Sunday evening to write about the state of the Greenpoint-Williamsburg rezoning four years down the line, I did not intend for this week to turn into North Brooklyn Parks & Recreation week. But it has, so let’s just go with the flow.
Because as it turns out, this is quite the week for (not)parks activism. We already mentioned David Yassky’s City Hall rally on Thursday to publicize the plight of 65 Commercial Street. The real show, though, comes on Saturday – Where’s My Park? Day in North Brooklyn. (In the rest of the city, Saturday is It’s My Park! Day, but the rest of the city does not have as many (not)parks as we do, so they do things a bit differently than we do – they probably don’t have creepy posters like we do, either.)
So, instead of celebrating your park at It’s My Park Day, dress as if you had a park and join GWAPP and NAG* to protest the fact the you don’t have the parks, open space and waterfront access that you were promised four years ago. The festivities kick off at 2:00 p.m. at Kent and North 14th Street, which is (not)Bushwick Inlet Park. The event continues later in the afternoon at (not)Transmitter Park (at the foot of Greenpoint Avenue) and then (not)65 Commercial Street.
[*Full disclosure – I’m on the NAG board.]