Author: Halden
New new Domino Plans Revealed
Taller… and cheaper? In case you missed it, the new new Domino plans went public late this evening. There is a lot to digest here, including taller buildings, a lot more architecture, more open space, a whole new street, a lot more commercial space, a little less residential space, the same amount of affordable housing.…
Brooklyn Flea and Smorgasburg Move to East River State Park
Here is the press release from NY State Parks on the relocation of the Brooklyn Flea and Smorgasburg to the slabs at East River State Park. Seems like a good fit, but what are people going to think about taking a quarter of the (only) waterfront park out of commission every weekend?
MTA To Launch Full-Line Review of G Train
The Party is Over at La Villita
Photo: arimoore via Flickr Yes, the party is over at La Villita – closed as of yesterday. (The building has had a for-rent sign for a few months now; we’ll see what Corcoran can bring in.)
Upper East Siders Boo Quinn Over Trash Plan
Brooklyn Flea Moving to East River State Park
Churches United Benefit
Churches United for Fair Housing is having its 10th Anniversary benefit tomorrow evening at Giando. You should go and support them.
Change name of Long Island City to LIC, Say Officials, Business Leaders
New York Parks in Less Affluent Areas Lack Big Gifts