Broadway Triangle Vote Postponed

Juliet Linderman has the latest on the Broadway Triangle – which is that it is still stuck in Council subcommittees. This is datelined yesterday, so it is possible that there was a vote today (Thursday). If so, I haven’t seen anything yet.

Basically, the Council is still negotiating with itself, choosing sides over the issue. Diana Reyna continues to push her colleagues to deny the project outright, while other council members seem to be trying to find modifications that will make the project better (here’s a hint – the Community Board had a number of good modifications that would make the rezoning a lot better).

Reyna seems to be letting her passion for the issue overtake the facts. In the article, Reyna is quoted as saying “This plan isn’t about planning for a community, it’s about pushing through a political deal… It hasn’t taken into account an overcrowded elementary school…or corporations like Pfizer that promise jobs”. Unfortunately, if Pfizer is promising jobs, they aren’t in Brooklyn – the company has closed up shop here after 150 years, and is taking 1,200 jobs out of the community. (I don’t think the numbers support her statement on schools either, but I’m not so well-versed in that area.) The other night, Reyna told CB1 that the Broadway Triangle rezoning would result in “only 150” units of affordable housing. The actual number – affordable units to be developed on city-owned sites – is at least 488 and may be as high as 650.

Reyna is right to criticize the process. The sole-sourcing of city-owned sites to UJO and RBSCC is wrong, and it should have been an open process1. And those are issues that Council could take up. But on the other stuff, she should get her facts in order.

1.Not that HPD’s open processes work to the community’s advantage. HPD has a host of RFPs still unawarded, including Greenpoint Hospital (the RFP for which was issued almost three years ago). And the RFPs that have been awarded recently have all gone to private developers from outside the neighborhood – not local non-profit developers. The latest are the four small sites that were awarded to Yuco Development – one at Bedford and South 4th, the other three in the Maujer/Ten Eyck area. A number of local non-profits were vying to develop those sites. So sole-sourcing might suck, but an open RFP process doesn’t always help local developers or non-profits.


Broke Ass Heather

I’m not really sure what the web site is about or why Miss Heather is the subject of a profile there, but it is a nice profile and worth a read.

December Retail Report


232 Bedford Avenue – open for business

Not like this is a regular feature, but after seeing the very sudden emergence of retail at the corner of Bedford and North 4th, it got me thinking about all of the retail that has been popping up in the neighborhood. The 232 Bedford Avenue building had been all residential, and has just undergone a pretty stunning transformation (courtesy of Loading Dock 5 Architects). As of last weekend (as seen above), there are three new retail stores operating out of the ground floor – a jewelry store, a high-end sneaker store and another boutique.

Diagonally across the street, it looks like another jeweler/boutique is set to open in the small space next to Whisk (another somewhat recent addition to the neighborhood). With Bedford Cheese Shop on the third corner, this is turning into a nice little retail hub, made nicer by the fact that it is just a bit south of the crappy stretch of Bedford. (Hopefully the fourth corner won’t be built out as planned.)


In other retail news, my friends at Treehouse, Sodafine and lots of other great local establishments are putting on The Winter Market this Sunday (6 December) at Public Assembly (70 North 6th Street).

All good reasons to keep your holiday shopping local.


Goldman Makes Big Investment in Affordable Housing

The Goldman Sachs Urban Investment Group announced Wednesday that it has invested $61 million in the New York Equity Fund, a public/private partnership that aims to build and preserve affordable housing. The investment is the largest in the fund’s 20-year history.

Envisioning Development

Mapping what is affordable to who, a very cool – and sobering – web site. For North Brooklyn, the median income in 2006 was $35,300 (for a family of four, I believe), which less than half the citywide median income for a family of four.

80 Metropolitan Approaching 50%

80 Metropolitan is approaching the 50% mark for sales (roughly 51 of 114 units), another good indication that there is still a market for condos in Williamsburg. According to StreetEasy, the recorded sales (only 9 to date) are in the high $700/sf range, and the available listings are in the low $800/sf range. That represents a fair premium over developments like NV, which is selling in the low $700/sf range – I like to think that is a reflection of the better design of 80 Met1, but I’m sure it’s more about amenities or other tangibles.

1. While it is a nicely-designed project, that still does not make up for the loss of the Old Dutch Mustard factory. And despite what Douglas Steiner says, nothing about this design reflects “the fabric and history of Williamsburg”, unless by fabric and history we are talking post-2005.

GOP Fuming Over Rape Vote

Lindsey Graham (R-SC – who voted against the Franken amendment):

I think it would be helpful for Sen. Franken to come forward and say, ‘I’m not suggesting that anybody who votes for [sic] my amendment is indifferent to crimes against women or anybody else,’

Al Franken has never suggested that anybody who voted against his amendment is indifferent to crimes against women or anybody else. But the Republicans who voted to support rape (75% of the caucus) are catching a lot of heat for their vote and they have to blame someone – surely they can’t take responsibility for voting against a woman’s right to sue her sexual assailants and the company’s that protect them.

Party Like Your Neighborhood Depends On It


Next Thursday (10 December) from 7 to 10 pm there is a benefit for NAG (Neighbors Allied for Good Growth – the second G is silent) at the Woods on South 4th Street. No cover, but donations are welcome. There will be plenty of booze, and a silent auction featuring goodies from local institutions, such as:


Bedford Avenue Stripped of Bike Lanes


FREEWilliamsburg says it’s bullshit, and they’re right. The removal of the bike lane on a section of Bedford Avenue – the section that runs through the heart of the Hasidic community, was a bad decision, made for bad reasons. Gothamist says that the Bedford Avenue bike lane was “relatively noncontroversial”, but that is not the case at all. The bike lane was hugely unpopular with the local community, in part because it made double parking illegal, and in part because (for one rabbi in particular) of the “problem” of scantily-clad women riding through the neighborhood.

Now Bedford Avenue is a heavily-trafficked and crowded street – south of Division Avenue and North of it. Which is why south of Division the bike lane – which connects north Brooklyn to central Brooklyn neighborhoods like Clinton Hill, Bed-Stuy, Prospect Heights and Crown Heights as well as connecting all of those neighborhoods to Prospect Park and the Williamsburg Bridge – runs a block west along Berry. But there is no viable detour north of Division, which is why the City – correctly – put a bike lane on Bedford Avenue. Now that Kent Avenue has a bike lane running all the way north from Flushing, it does make sense to encourage bikes to take that route – it is safer and more protected, albeit much more indirect.

What doesn’t make sense is removing the Bedford Avenue bike lane in its entirety (and I think DOT’s “quiet” removal of the lane reinforces that). As Transportation Alternatives correctly points out, bikers have a right to ride on any public street. Removing a bike lane entirely – particularly bowing to NIMBY pressure to do so – sends exactly the opposite message. If DOT really wanted to make responsible “bike network adjustments in the area”, it would have converted the Bedford Avenue bike lane to a shared arrow (sharrows) lane – at least would have reinforced the message that drivers (and neighborhoods) need to share the road with bikers.
