Beer Here – September Liquor License Applications

Community Board #1 – new liquor license applications

The above is a map of the 34 new applications for liquor licenses that are on the agenda for Community Board 1 at its September 12th public hearing (click on the dots to find out the information on each application). This month’s agenda has 98 liquor license applications in total, including renewals, license changes, etc. – a particularly large number because the board hasn’t met since June (actually, the number of new licenses is not that large, considering it covers three months of applications – perhaps we have reached the alcohol saturation point?).1

1 I put this together mainly as a way to play with CartoDB (the pop-ups work a bit better if you go directly to the CartoDB map, rather than trying to click around in the portal above); all of the information is from the CB1 agenda for the September meeting – errors or inaccuracies may be my fault, may be their fault or may be the fault of the various filters and encoders the data had to go through to get this map. In other words, trust, but verify (as soon as CB1 posts the September agenda).

Also, if you are looking at a world map (rather than one of Williamsburg and Greenpoint), you’ll have to zoom in manually. Some browsers (Safari, e.g.) seem to do it automatically, others (pretty much anything else I’ve tested), not so much. Sorry.Problem seems to be solved – must have been something with CartoDB.

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