The Quadriad proposal continues to be a cliffhanger. As you may recall, in early June, the land use committee of CB1 voted narrowly (by a one vote margin) to “approve” the concept of the Quadriad plan. After much confusion over what exactly the Quadriad plan was, and therefore what it had approved (and even why it was approving a plan with no application), the full Community Board voted at its June meeting to table the committee’s resolution. Tonight, CB1 voted unanimously (14 to 0, with 5 abstentions) to reject the committee’s recommendation, thus killing any Community Board “approval” of the Quadriad plan.
But not so fast… Earlier in the day, the Community Board received a letter from Quadriad, withdrawing its proposal. The letter, which touted the committee approval, stated that Quadriad did not require further action from the Community Board, and that the developer was prepared to move forward with its as-of-right development and begin the formal process of applying for a rezoning to allow a 20-story tower on the corner of Berry and North 3rd and a tripling of density on the site, all in order to create 33% affordable housing on site without any public funding. (No word on their plans for the rest of the neighborhood, or the city as a whole, but Quadriad has said all along that it plans to file for citywide zoning changes.)
So as it stands now, Quadriad has withdrawn its proposal (but promised to return with a real application), and the Community Board has voted unanimously not to endorse the Quadriad plan (but hasn’t specifically voted against the plan). If we could explain this in a chart, we would.
Rest assured, though, like any good summer blockbuster, there will be a sequel.