Month: August 2007
Falling under cars
The Daily News recently reported that bicycle accidents were way up in Greenpoint and Williamsburg. While the News may be This has elicited some knee jerk (and some thoughtful) reaction from the commenters over at StreetsBlog.
All Mod Cons
Dana Thomas has written a new book on the commoditization of luxury brands and the dilution of the meaning of the word itself.
This Weekend
Sunday could be a busy day:The Society for Industrial Archaeology is sponsoring a walking tour of the industrial heritage of Williamsburg & Greenpoint (starting time 10 AM), led by Mary Habstritt and yours truly.
A Quadriad Update?
City Limits’ recent article on the use of affordable housing as a wedge to gain acceptance for large development projects has one or two interesting tidbits on the Quadriad project.
Parking morphs into plazas
When the Daily News reported that Dumbo’s Pearl Street Plaza was being transformed from a parking lot to a public plaza, it was hardly an exclusive. But now, the News’ Rachel Monahan is reporting that DOT plans for three more hardscape plazas on parking lots – and that is news.
Moderate income housing in Bushwick
The Community Preservation Corporation (co-developer of Domino) is funding a moderate-income project on Lawton Street in Bushwick.
Teri & Rob
The honeymoon startsPhoto: NY Daily News (Siesel) Congratulations to Teri & Rob on their roller coaster wedding. The Daily News has a photo album up here, and two (TWO!) articles about the nuptials. Seems like August is the month for Coney Island enthusiasts (& Robs) to tie the knot. Couple to get Hitched on Coney…