Photo: Miss Heather
I just read about the death of Bob Guskind. Like most people, I am at a loss for words. Bob was a passionate, tireless, dedicated reporter on Brooklyn and everything that has been happening to it.
I will miss him.
More (and more eloquent) tributes can be found at the following (the list is evolving):
Dedicated To A Good Friend [NYShitty]
Gowanus Lounge, You Had Brooklyn’s Back [A very thoughtfully written remembrance by Louise at OTBKB – highly recommended]
Robert Guskind, Founder of Gowanus Lounge, Dies [Brownstoner]
Robert Guskind 1958 – 2009: Founder of Gowanus Lounge Dies [OTBKB]
Robert Guskind: A Walk Around The Blog with Gowanus Lounge [also OTBKB]
Bob Guskind: I Am Not A Fan of the Looming Manhattanization of Brooklyn [yes, OTBKB again]
Bob Guskind, Gowanus Lounge Blogger, Dies [Gothamist]
Robert Guskind [Curbed]
Robert Guskind, R.I.P. [Curbed’s official remembrance]
Death of a Blogger – Robert Guskind, R.I.P. [Brooklyn Paper – as noted in the comments here, the original version of this article was a journalistic disgrace. BP has now cleaned up the article so that it is sourced and so that it is news.]
Bob Guskind, RIP [The Albany Project]
R.I.P. Bob Guskind [Brooklyn Heights Blog]
In Memoriam: Bob Guskind [No Land Grab]
RIP: Bob Guskind [Dope on the Slope]
Silent Post For Big RG [FiPS, with whom Bob had his share of run ins]
Robert Guskind, Founder of Gowanus Lounge, 1958-2009 [Flatbush Gardener]
RIP Bob Guskind [NAG]
Sad on a Thursday [Bad Advice]
Famed B’klyn Blogger Robert Guskind, 50, Dies [Brooklyn Eagle – a nicely reported piece]
Bob Guskind – An Appreciation [Brooklyn Paper – Gersh’s appreciation of Bob, nicely done]
Note: Gowanus Lounge is offline entirely, but for the moment at least you can see Bob’s last postings via Google cache (unformatted, since the CSS is offline), and you can still see the old Blogger version of Gowanus Lounge. If you don’t know Bob’s work, you can get a good sense of why he’ll be missed here.
In addition to being a prolific (and very good) writer, Bob was also a prolific (and very good) photographer, which you can see at his Flickr stream.
3 responses to “Bob Guskind”
Please delink from the Brooklyn Papers article, it is disrespectful towards Bob.
Rachel – I’ll leave the link up, but encourage people to look at the comments – I think they [speak] for themselves (and for Bob).
[Edited because my brain types faster than my hands.]
Thank you to those of you who posted this on the blog. I am an old friend of Bob’s and I will miss him dearly. We went through a lot of coming of age stuff together in the mid to late 70’s and I always counted him as my closet friend.
Beyond being a top notch journalist and a man with deep community concerns he was also an incredibly gifted writer. I will do what I can to keep his work alive. To those in the blogging community I invite you to keep the spirit of his blogging efforts alive as well.