The Edge, as seen from North 5th St. Pier
It seems that with Spring, everyone is thinking of parks and open space. At tonight’s CB1 meeting, OSA’s Stephanie Thayer made a couple of important announcements. First off, the North 5th Street Pier will be open 7 days a week as of this Thursday. Up to this point, the pier – the only tangible new open space thus far to come out of the waterfront rezoning – was only open on weekends. (Its also a really nice pier.)
Second, the Manhattan Street End Green Space (that might even be its official name) officially opens this Saturday. You can go there now and check it out – it too is really nice.
And last, “next month” NYC Parks is going to break ground on the first phase of Bushwick Inlet Park – the construction of the athletic fields on a portion of the block between North 9th and North 10th Streets.
All of this is good news. And a good start.