Category: Noted
OSA: Here’s Your Parks
Photo: NAG We were out of town for the weekend, so missed Saturday’s “Where’s My Park? Day” event (and the relatively nice weather – we were fogged in on Saturday). But as NAG reports, not only was the event was a success, but there is progress to show for it. Stephanie Thayer of Parks (and…
Photo of the Day: Wrong Way
Grand Street, Spring 2009 Photo: Grifforama via brooklyn11211 flickr pool Our inaugural photo pool entry, thanks to Grifforama. I guess if you own a car this fantastic, you get to park it backwards.
brooklyn11211 flickr Photo Pool
Because a blog can never have enough photos of Brooklyn, I’ve created a brooklyn11211 photo pool on flickr. Just click on the link in the masthead portion of this page (or this link here), join the group and upload your photos. Impress me.
Cook Street Affordable Housing Applications
Cook Street Housing, LLC is now accepting applications for affordable housing units in this new development on Cook and Varet Streets, between Broadway and Graham Avenue. If this is like other affordable lotteries in the neighborhood, expect there to be pretty long odds to get an apartment – but you gotta be in it to…
Kedem: Spring Cleaning
A week or so ago, I noted that there was activity at the Kedem Winery site on Kent Avenue just south of Broadway. The site has been granted a rezoning to residential use, but based on the sign that went up this week, it doesn’t look like anything is going to be happening soon. (Interesting…
Manhattan Avenue Street-end Park Opens
Ms. Heather has the pictures to prove it. (What is the official name of this park?)
Williamsburg Hotty – Not a Brownstone
Great moments in real estate listings – this is not a brownstone, nor is it even a row house. There is an outside chance that the lintels and sills are brownstone, but from the picture I’d put my money on cast iron. Funnier still is that the sign on the building says “Lofts for Rent”.…
WG New + Arts Online
Local newspaper Williamsburg Greenpoint News+Arts is (finally) online, with both their offline (paper) content and a blog. WG is a great paper, and has done some good reporting over the past few years, so its great to see their content online. And the website looks really good.
400 Bedford Avenue Starts Up
400 Bedford Avenue Architect: Bricolage/Henry Radusky In the latest installment of “What Recession?” Week, our inadvertent look at projects that are (or may be) starting up, moving forward or finishing despite the iffy housing market, we bring you 400 Bedford Avenue. This is the site at the northwest corner of Bedford and South 6th/Broadway, directly…