Wednesday Events


Wednesday (22 April) is a busy night for the civic minded.

For Earth Day, Councilmember Diana Reyna, Esteban Duran & the Open Space Alliance for North Brooklyn are sponsoring & facilitating a community forum on North Brooklyn’s open spaces, parks & neighborhoods. The event will take place at El Puente, 211 South 4th Street (@ Roebling) in Williamsburg, at 6:30 p.m., and is open to the public.

Further east, Greenpoint Renaissance Enterprise Corporation (GREC) is hosting a meeting about the status (and state) of the Greenpoint Hospital. The City issued an RFP two years ago to redevelop a portion of the site, and in response, a proposal to develop new affordable housing and senior health facilities was submitted. To date, no action has been taken on the RFP. Word on the street is that HPD will be there to give an update on the status of the RFP process and to answer community questions. Also at 6:30, at the Swingin’ Sixties Senior Center, 211 Ainslie Street (corner of Manhattan Avenue).

One response to “Wednesday Events”

  1. Forman is such a nice building I wish somebody with some taste would have redone it instead of just slapping more thick brown paint on it… oh well, at least its cleaner looking. Who owns that, Luger?