Author: Halden
Robert Guskind
Marc Farre and others have posted a very nice and quite lengthy obituary for Bob Guskind on Gowanus Lounge. A proper obituary, as he deserves. I am still at a loss for words to think that Bob is no longer with us. He was a tremendous writer, both in terms of quantity and quality. His…
Greenpoint Courier, R.I.P.
I just got word that the New Corporation, which owns the Courier-Life line of local papers, is closing its Greenpoint Courier edition. The Williamsburg Courier (and, I guess, other local editions across Brooklyn and Queens) will remain in operation. Unfortunately, the closing of the paper also means that local report Aaron Short has been laid…
North Brooklyn Story Project
NAG (Neighbors Allied for Good Growth) has been doing a series of town hall meetings over the past few months, trying to get people engaged on different aspect of life and activism in Williamsburg and Greenpoint. One of the projects to come out this is the North Brooklyn Story Project, which seeks to compile an…
Rezoning Greenpoint & Williamsburg
At its March 2nd meeting, the City Planning Commission voted to certify the Greenpoint-Williamsburg Contextual Rezoning. This rezoning seeks to preserve the character of 175 blocks in Greenpoint and Williamsburg by introducing height limits and introducing some areas of inclusionary (affordable) housing. The contextual rezoning was originally proposed by Councilmembers Yassky and Reyna during the…
Gowanus Lounge is Back (Online)
Opened Twitter this morning and saw the usual flood of auto-links from Gowanus Lounge. It almost made yesterday seem like a bad dream – it looks as though someone got GL back online, with Bob’s last posts up, which is what generated the auto-tweets. I hope that something will be done to archive Bob’s work…
Bob Guskind
Photo: Miss Heather I just read about the death of Bob Guskind. Like most people, I am at a loss for words. Bob was a passionate, tireless, dedicated reporter on Brooklyn and everything that has been happening to it. I will miss him. More (and more eloquent) tributes can be found at the following (the…
Developer Blight: Domino
When you own 7 blocks of street frontage, shoveling your sidewalk can be a chore. Still, 48 hours after the last snow flake hit Kent Avenue, the New Domino has only cleared one block of sidewalk. Which means there is a huge stretch of Kent Avenue where pedestrians have to choose between walking on an…
East River State Park to Reopen on Sunday
That red tape seems to have been worked out. Friends of East River State Park announced this morning that they have finally succeeded in getting the waterfront park reopened a month early. The State will continue to save its $444.44 a day, while locals will get to enjoy a bit of early spring. Here’s an…
Williamsburg Fashion Weekend
Williamsburg Fashion Weekend is underway. Tomorrow night, my friends at Treehouse and neighbors at Sodafine will be joining forces at Glasslands to showcase their newest handmade creations in another super-spectacular fashion performance. Also on the bill are fashion shows by talented local designers Arthur Arbit and SDN, and after the show, music by Tall Firs…
Viridian Going Under?
On the way to the L train this morning, I noticed that just about every construction site (along Metropolitan and Wythe/Kent) was busy. Perhaps its a case of in for a dime, in for a dollar, which is where Viridian seems to be. The project is nearly finished, no one is buying, so the developer…