Category: Noted
What Passes for Optimism
Regarding that article in the Real Estate section in which I was quoted, ThatGreenpointBlog (in the course of saying some nice things about me – the feeling is mutual) has taken exception to the “optimistic view of Greenpoint” conveyed by the article. Golly, it was an article in the Real Estate section (and a good…
Driggs Avenue Insta-Building
506 Driggs Avenue This new building at 506 Driggs (at North 9th Street) sprouted like a weed over the past few months. It had been an empty lot for ages, but since construction started in January, its quickly turned into this pile of CMU. Per DOB, the four-story building is designed by Frank S. Smith…
444 Graham – The Race is On?
The main impetus for the contextual zoning application that is wending its way through the public review process (Marty approved it – next up City Planning Commission) is the proliferation of grossly acontextual buildings all over North Brooklyn. No other part of the community has suffered worse than that corner of East Williamsburg just south…
Former Williamsburg Tonic Water Factory Now Rentals
The Eagle transcribes a broker’s press release. We decipher it for you. “WILLIAMSBURG — An old brick industrial building in Williamsburg, built in 1909 as a tonic water factory, is being converted to residential apartments.” 44 Berry was a quinine factory. Quinine is an ingredient in tonic water, but 44 Berry was not making the…
Photo of the Day: Vespa in the Snow
Snowy Vespa, Hope and Roebling Photo: .hello foto via brooklyn11211 flickr pool (where snow seems to be an emerging theme)
Williamsburg Flea Market
Fleas are everywhere these days. The latest is the Williamsburg Flea Market, which is scheduled to run on Sundays beginning June 7th. The Willyb Flea will be on Wythe Avenue between South 2nd and South 3rd Streets (parking lot of Ss. Peter & Paul? or the Police Cars Unlimited lot across the street? they don’t…