• Williamsburg Charter High Gets a Reprieve; Cheating at PS 31?

    The saga of Williamsburg Charter High School’s closing continues. Yesterday, a judge refused the city’s request to move forward with a lottery to relocate the current students at the school. Unfortunately, this decision doesn’t necessarily help the students at WCH, as they may still need to scramble to find a new school between now and September. From the looks of it, neither the city nor the leadership of the school (which is fighting to stay open) have done right by the students in this process.

    Elsewhere in the Eastern District, two highly-ranked elementary schools are being investigated for cheating on standardized tests. P.S. 31 in Greenpoint and East Williamsburg’s P.S. 257 – the two top-ranked elementary schools in the entire city based on the Department of Education’s report card system – are under investigation for helping their students excel on the standardized tests that make up a big part of the report card ranking.

    The cheating was suspected after many of the students from the two schools performed worse than expected on subsequent testing at I.S. 318. The gaming of the testing system also reveals a particularly nasty side effect for the teachers at the middle school:

    At I.S. 318, nearly 60 percent of teachers were rated below average or low [on DOE’s new teacher report cards]. The Daily News singled out the school for its poor performance, and many news media outlets, including The New York Times, published teachers’ ratings online. The sixth-grade teachers’ scores, which depended on the progress students made from fifth to sixth grade, were particularly poor.

  • The ‘Drastic Miscalculation’ That Stalled the Greening of Greenpoint-Williamsburg

    You might have missed it, but last week was the 7th anniversary of the City’s 2005 rezoning:

    In 2005, the mayor pushed through a rezoning of Williamsburg and Greenpoint, allowing for significantly higher development along the waterfront, and promising a series of parks and open spaces strung like beads along two miles of the neighborhoods’ shorefront…

    Certainly, much has changed for the better in Williamsburg, from a waterfront access standpoint. The esplanade in front of the Edge and Northside Piers is well-trafficked and much-loved. Transmitter Park at the end of Kent Avenue, though not yet finished, is in use by Greenpoint residents.

    Unfortunately, progress on the development of the waterfront access and open space is not very promising – in fact, recent developments at 65 Commercial Street are a huge step backwards.

    The best the City can do at this point is to point to the huge sums of money they have spent to date (“the largest in any Community Board district”) as justification for not actually building much in the way of parks. The problem is, most of the money has been spent acquiring industrial property at residential valuations (that would be the “drastic miscalculation”), leaving very little left over for remediation, let alone construction of actual parks.

    Much has changed for the better – McCarren pool is opening soon, as is the waterfront portion of the Bushwick Inlet soccer field site and Transmitter Park (the latter, a promise from the Giuliani era, finally fulfilled by this administration). But despite this progress, we are years away from realizing three-quarters of the promised incremental open space.

  • “I Regret Smelling This.”

    Animal New York smells the new Yankee fragrance line so you don’t have to.

  • Wythe Hotel


    80 Wythe
    Theobald Englehardt (1900)
    Morris Adjmi Architects (2012)
    Photo: brooklyn11211

    Matt Chaban in the Observer:

    This was, is and will be the greatest thing Williamsburg has ever seen. It is the pinnacle, the acme, the end. The story of gentrification, at least in this oft-buzzed about corner of Brooklyn, is over — checked at the curved-glass-and-carefully-rusted-steel door outside the Wythe. If Francis Fukuyama needed a hotel room in Brooklyn, this would be it. Thank you, and good night.

    Matt & I disagree somewhat here. Not on the fact that the Wythe Hotel is great – it is. And not on the fact that the building itself “is the nicest thing ever built in Williamsburg” – if it isn’t that, it’s damn close. Morris Adjmi’s design of the new, the old and the integration of the two is almost perfect (Theobald would have been proud).

    But the pinnacle? The acme? The end? Let’s hope not – we need more nice things like this.

  • Williamsburg Residents Fight Bar

    A club owner whose Lower East Side hotspot features an ice cage for chugging vodka and promises of free shots if you get naked is trying to bring the party to Williamsburg – but neighbors are battling his plans… Neighbors say they’re used to bars in the neighborhood, but are spooked because of how over the top his other joint is.

    Over the top doesn’t begin to describe Mehanata. And from what I hear, SLA agrees – sources there say that the Lower East Side venue has multiple liquor license violations against it.

    The plan for Williamsburg Manor is for a restaurant and “radio studios”, and the owner promises that his Brooklyn outpost will be much classier than his Manhattan shit show (but fret not Williamsburg, the plans presented to CB1 included an “Ice Cage”). Not surprisingly, he made very similar promises to the community board in Manhattan:

    According to a letter from Community Board 3 in Manhattan, [the owner] originally claimed Mehanata would be a restaurant with daytime workshops and studio space, but hasn’t served food since 2007.

    Too bad – the food looks so appetizing.

  • War on Street Life

    Community Board #1’s “war on brunch” has now officially became news last week, having been picked up by both WNYC and the New York Times. Credit for originating the story belongs to Aaron Short at the Brooklyn Paper. Too bad they let a catchy headline distract them from the real story (and no, it’s not about gentrification, though that’s a catchy headline too).


    Sadly, these planters – civic though they may be – are
    probably illegal.

    The big story here is that the “war on brunch” is really a crackdown on street life. The Community Board, upset at a few bars and restaurants, has chosen to use a hatchet instead of a scalpel. Restaurants and property owners are getting summonses and warning letters about sidewalk benches, sidewalk planters and the like1. As with dining al fresco before noon on Sundays, these targets of the Community Board’s ire are actually the kinds of things that make a neighborhood more livable and more enjoyable.

    There is a reason why city planners obsess over things like bench heights, and it goes all the way back to the great neighborhood advocate Jane Jacobs herself. Street life, be it seniors sitting on a bench or patrons waiting for a seat at an insanely popular restaurant, makes for better neighborhoods and better communities (or, as Holly Whyte put it, you can measure the health of a city by the vitality of its streets). Outlawing benches and planters isn’t going to make Pies ‘n’ Thighs any less popular (or any less good), though it will mean that more people – not less – are standing around waiting for a table and clogging up the sidewalk.

    To be clear, all this wonderful street furniture is also illegal. But using laws against sidewalk furniture to go after a broad swath of businesses is a stop-and-frisk approach to a very specific problem. If the problem is that certain restaurants are flouting the laws about sidewalk cafes and creating an actual nuisance, go after those restaurants. If neighbors have specific complaints, the Community Board should (and traditionally has) acted as a broker, talking to the owners and the residents to work out a solution. If that doesn’t work, then use the relevant city agencies to crack down on the specific troublemaker.

    In the long run, trotting out arcane, outdated blue laws is not an effective approach, if for no other reason than that it turns the target into a victim and the enforcer into a bully. The story now is not that some number of restaurant owners are breaking the law and creating a community nuisance, but rather that the Community Board, through City agencies, is using outmoded, ticky-tacky laws to bully a whole business sector (and in the process sweeping in private citizens who have rogue planters, benches and other contraband street furniture (lawns!!) in front of their houses). Ironically, the perennially bad neighbors on the nightlife scene haven’t been impacted by the crackdown, and may not be – most of their sidewalk cafes are legal, and they don’t open before noon on any day.

    Image 2

    A nice place for seniors to sit or a public nuisance?
    (Probably the latter – this bench looks to be on private

    In other developments, Councilman Steve Levin is promising to introduce legislation to rescind the ridiculous prohibition on sidewalk eateries before noon on Sundays. Given that many of the neighborhood clergy – including Ann Kansfield of Greenpoint Reformed Church and Monsignor Calise of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (and a member of CB1) – have gone on record saying that Sunday morning eateries are not a threat to their religious observance, this is a good thing. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail on the bigger issue of the street furniture crackdown too.

    1. It would be wonderful if this was the biggest issue facing our neighborhood – have we solved all our problems and are now ready to focus on this?

  • A Do Nothing Politician

    Colin Campbell at Politicker has a long inside-baseball piece on the race for District Leader in 50th AD. A good piece, and well worth a read.

    The race itself pits incumbent Lincoln Restler against Community Board 1 chair Chris Olechowski. I know both well, and both are genuinely good people. But this bit jumped out at me:

    [Olechowski] declined to overly criticize the incumbent [Restler], simply saying he hasn’t heard much from Mr. Restler during his short tenure in office… “I don’t know what Lincoln has really done,” he opined.

    Seriously? Campbell is right, “[the] irony, of course, is that despite all [of Restler’s] talk of accomplishment, district leaders aren’t really supposed to be doing things”. But Lincoln has taken a genuinely do-nothing job and used it as a bully pulpit for a lot of effective advocacy (and a lot of bashing of the Kings County political leadership). Chris, of course, does know what Lincoln has done, and he has heard a lot from Lincoln – Lincoln is at every event Chris attends and many, many more.

  • Bike Share Map

    The City has released its draft map for the first phase of the bike share program. Phase I includes about 60 or so sharing stations in Williamsburg and Greenpoint (including some east of McGuinness Boulevard in Greenpoint).

  • Building Brooklyn Awards 2012


    Atrium House
    19 Powers Street
    Mesh Achitectures
    Photo: BB2012

    Not much love for north Brooklyn in this year’s Building Brooklyn (™) awards, but I’m sure that’s probably as it should be. The only project in Williamsburg and Greenpoint to get a nod was “Atrium House” at 19 Powers Street (Mesh Architectures). Nearby, Building 92 at the Navy Yard was also honored (and is very much worth a visit, if you haven’t been).

  • A Home for Sketchbooks of the World

    At the Brooklyn Art Library – part of what makes North 3rd such a wonderful block.


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