Balanced meal, Turkey Nest style, via Metromix
L Train is the Coolest
Finally, some good news about the L train (which I can confirm – the car that was stuck at First Avenue for over an hour on Thursday was very, very cool).
Shorter L Train Next Week
The L train will terminate at Myrtle-Wyckoff Avenues midday next week, Monday through Friday. Which shouldn’t impact service elsewhere along the line.
More info (sort of) here.
Urban Oyster Launches Immigrant Foodway Tours
Urban Oyster kicks off its Immigrant Foodways tours of the Moore Street Market this weekend. The tours will start at Williamsburg Walks on Bedford Avenue.
Morgane Opens on Bedford
Yet another restaurant on my old block. This one a faux-histo bistro, not unlike the faux-histo taqueria (Bonita, RIP) that once lived next door. I happened to walk by this evening, and the place looks very nice.
Williamsburg Walks Activities
Williamsburg Walks is coming up this Saturday (and next). WW has just posted the lineup for this year’s programming. The biggest news is that the event now extends all the way to McCarren Park.
Exploring the Abandoned Pfizer Plant
Scouting NY scouts the former Pfizer plant, which straddles East Williamsburg and Bed-Stuy. The pharmaceutical giant was founded in Williamsburg in 1849, and operated there until about a year or two ago when (despite taking $46 million City tax incentives to bring jobs to NYC) the company closed up and left. But not before demolishing the oldest building on the site, their ancestral home.
Brownstoner 3.0
Brownstoner unveiled its snazzy new WordPress design this morning – lots of slick new toys to play with, and a whole new (very WordPress-feeling) design to get used to.
But it is also another sad (for me, at least) milestone in the slow wasting of the Movable Type blog platform. For small blogs like brooklyn11211, MT ceased to be a viable platform option some time ago (I stubbornly held on until last Fall, but most small sites made the jump to or ages ago). When “power bloggers” like Brownstoner start making the switch, you know that MT is finished (of course they haven’t quite figured it out yet – Brownstoner is still prominently displayed on’s “Power Blogger” page).