Tag: waterfront
Riverside Interludes, Far From the Madding Crowd
Ugliest, Scariest, Most Horrible
Greenpoint Landing Lands Tonight
Greenpoint Landing (via Crain’s) Architect: Handel Architects Greenpoint Landing – the 22-acre development at the north end of the Greenpoint waterfront – is scheduled to make its public debut at a Community Board 1 meeting this evening*. From what I’ve heard to date, the project itself is largely as of right – the number of…
Schizo Skyline
Stephen Jacob Smith is back, this time arguing that Two Trees’ Domino plan is somehow flawed because the upland zoning in Williamsburg is not dense enough. Where to begin – again? But despite the best efforts of SHoP and Two Trees, the plan does not succeed in aping the natural parabolic shape of an organic…
New new Domino Plans Revealed
Taller… and cheaper? In case you missed it, the new new Domino plans went public late this evening. There is a lot to digest here, including taller buildings, a lot more architecture, more open space, a whole new street, a lot more commercial space, a little less residential space, the same amount of affordable housing.…
Brooklyn Flea Moving to East River State Park
Greenpoint Landing – Yes, It’s Coming
Billyburg Parents’ Ship Comes In
Above the Flooded Plain – Did New Waterfront Developments Fare Better?