I’m not saying he owes anyone anything, but how about you give Central Park $98 million and Flushing Meadows-Corona $2 million? That two million would have gone so much further in an underappreciated park.
New York Parks in Less Affluent Areas Lack Big Gifts
Animals Can’t Talk
Signs that read “Deer Crossing” and the like are going to continue to pop up throughout our country including Avon Lake, but who are these signs for? Deer cannot read, do not obey the law and probably will cross where they wish.
Prediction: Patch is going to put the Onion out of business.
Dogs Versus Babies at Transmitter Park
Paul Duey, who let his dog off its leash at Transmitter Park one recent afternoon, claimed it was only fair for dogs to have an open space to play as well as humans… [He] acknowledged that the law prohibited dogs playing off-leash after 9 a.m. in parks and from playing on Transmitter’s grass.
But, you know, fuck the law. Rather than get involved with any one of the many groups fighting for more open space in Greenpoint and Williamsburg, just let Fido have the run of the one nice park to get built in Greenpoint in 75 years.
Greenpoint Landing – Yes, It’s Coming
Greenpointers needs to stop being shocked – SHOCKED! – that massive high-rise development is coming to their waterfront.
Since 2005, it has been a question of when, not if, the Greenpoint waterfront will look like Long Island City, Northside Piers, the Edge, Schaefer Landing and all the other towers-to-be that will one day line the East River.
How the Mayoral Candidates Stack Up on Safe Streets for Biking
Face it, the odds of our next mayor being anywhere near as progressive as our current mayor on transit and transportation (bike lanes or otherwise) are pretty slim.
Roebling Tea Room Team to Open River Styx This April
Roebling Tea Room expands up north – more good news for Greenpoint.
Billyburg Parents’ Ship Comes In
Williamsburg’s growing population of parents with young children will soon have a new entertainment option. New York Kids Club, a privately-held enrichment day camp, preschool and party site is in the final stages of buying the retail condominium at 2 Northside Piers…
Kennel, wine store and day care all in the same development – great news for parents. And for people who like every development to have the same retail options.
Airbnb Advocates for Dwelling law Amendments
New York’s multiple dwelling law, which serves to make short-term rentals in large buildings illegal, was tightened in 2011 to curb the spread of illegal hotels in the city. Instead, it’s led to users of Airbnb being slapped with violations by city authorities for hosting strangers in their homes for short periods.
Interesting use of the word “instead”.
Help @greenpointers Map Greenpoint
Right up my alley:
While we all love jumping on the poor guy who tries to annex McCarren Park for Williamsburg, the truth of the matter is that neighborhoods grow and contract like families and are based on common consensus rather than the legal boundaries that govern more exact areas such as congressional districts and zip codes. So, we’re going to hit you all up for a little consensus.
(P.S. – a little less than a third of McCarren Park is in Williamsburg.)