The Hunt winds up at 125 North 10th Street.
The Hunt: Shifting Priorities
Huge Bust at Hipster Drug Den
Never let it be said that the Brooklyn Paper lets facts get in the way of a good headline.
As you may have heard, three people were arrested at an apartment on North 7th Street for possession of 28 kilos of cocaine (presumably not for personal consumption). For the media, this of course becomes an opportunity to use the word “hipster” in a sentence, even if the suspects are all in their forties and early fifties and include the super of the building where the drugs were found – not exactly the hipster demographic. (And yes, this is the “former site of the Laila Lounge”, but isn’t it also the current site of DBA’s Williamsburg outpost??)
The Brooklyn Paper does get a quote from one of the suspect’s lawyers, who claims that her client, Christine Ladeveze, 48, “had absolutely nothing to do with those charges” and was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. What the lawyer probably meant was that Ladeveze was dating the wrong guy – building super Johanny Olmedo, 51 – at the wrong time (the wrong time in this case being “for months”).
More from the Daily News here, sans irony.
…a few fries short of a Happy Meal
….Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas suggested yesterday that Democrats may actually want another terrorist attack because rebuilding [NYC] would create jobs.
‘You’ve got subways, tunnels, bridges all subject to terrorism. And unless they’re trying to create a new jobs bill by allowing terrorism back in New York then this is insane. And even that would be insane.’
As Benen says, “the guy has ‘future member of the House Republican leadership’ written all over him”.
Fraidy Cats
John Gruber (of Daring Fireball fame) has started a new log to track who is (and isn’t) afraid of terrorists.
(You can add David Paterson to the wrong-side-of-history list.)
NV Now 85% Sold
And still 100% ugly. Just goes to show that location is still a fundamental.
Bottoms Up
Hevemeyer Street, November 14
349 Metropolitan: Full on Condo Blight
349 Metropolitan: Foreclosed and Blighted
349 Metropolitan Avenue started out pretty ugly, and it was clear from the outset that the craftsmanship left something to be desired. But now that it’s had a few month to stew in its foreclosure, the project is really detracting from the neighborhood.
Tourist Season
Tourist Season
Saturday may have been a dreary day, but it was a perfect day for shopping on Bedford Avenue. This group came all the way from Canada by motor coach to shop in our little hipster paradise. The grown ups were in the vintage shop across the street.
Bidding Wars Resume
Because new condos are so scarce in Williamsburg?
In some cases, scarcity, or even the perception of scarcity, can spark bidding wars. At the Rialto, a new 31-unit condo in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, sales started 14 months ago. The building had its first bidding war in August, when there were only seven units left; two more bidding wars followed in October.
Accused 9/11 Mastermind to Face Trial in New York
Good. When he’s convicted, maybe we can make a nice little prison for him overlooking ground zero.